UAE to become a global leader in cybersecurity


It’s time for a digital transformation of even grander proportions, and one that is being masterminded by the entire UAE, with implications for the world  

Evidence of that, if needed, could be found wandering the halls of the Dubai World Trade Centre during the GITEX GLOBAL 2022 event in October, which became the biggest technology gathering in the world. With more than 100,000 attendees, a hall showcasing more than 1,000 startups, and new zones dedicated to coding and the metaverse, the UAE is making a concerted bid to become the global hub for Web 3.0. 

UAE has pledged to train or attract 100,000 coders as part of its inspiring Projects Of The 50 programme, so it will train the next generation of Emirati cyber experts to protect the nation and s
et a new global standard of excellence. 

We are seeing that cybersecurity has become a top issue to tackle where the executive management team and the board struggle to understand and reduce the associated risks,” he says. “This is where we are seeing the CISOs get more air-time and respect but it is never enough. Besides working with executive management teams and boards of companies here in the UAE, we also need to galvanise CISOs. The UAE Cybersecurity Council fully supports GISEC’s initiative of creating an InfoSec leaders inner-circle, a gathering of an extraordinary league of senior cybersecurity specialists, to create a fellowship with the mission to discuss key challenges to help build cyber resiliency of businesses in the UAE – and from the UAE to the world. Before other people take us seriously, we must first take ourselves seriously and position ourselves correctly 

Resulted  to One of the initiatives of the Cyber Security Council, the Cyber pulse initiative, has been nominated for the 2023 World Summit on the Information Society Award


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