UAE Cyber safety and digital security


UAE Cyber safety

Cyber security  Council aims to enhance the level of protection from online crimes committed through the use of information technology, networks and platforms. It further seeks to protect the UAE’s government websites and databases, combat the spread of rumours and fake news, safeguard against electronic fraud and maintain privacy and personal rights.

 The law lists offences and penalties against any person who may create or use an electronic site or any information technology means for hacking, attacking or tampering with government information systems and data, disseminating false information, or information that harms the interest and the security of the UAE. Other cyber offences in the law include:

  • creating or modifying robots to distribute false data
  • falsifying electronic documents
  • invading the privacy of others
  • tampering with medical data, bank accounts and confidential codes
  • eBegging
  • publishing data that does not comply with media content standards
  • creating illegal content and refraining from removing it
  • creating or managing a website for promoting human trafficking
  • transferring, possessing and using illegal funds
  • raising funds without a licence
  • blackmailing and extortion
  • insulting and slandering others
  • conducting statistical surveys without a licence
  • promoting demonstrations without a licence
  • offending a foreign country or religion
  • promoting firearms and explosives
  • advertising information which mislead consumers. 
This year  The Cyber ​​Pulse initiative launched by the Cyber ​​Security Council has been nominated for the 2023 WSIS Prize.
I highly encouraged everyone to support this initiative , Here the link on how to vote


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