Biden has sent a message of solidarity to the UAE on the anniversary of a terrorist strike on Abu Dhabi


On the anniversary of a terrorist strike in UAE three people were killed and six were injured when an oil distribution plant in Mussaffah was attacked by Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi rebels, prompting worldwide condemnation  

In which   Biden  also confirm  the America's support for the security and safety of the people of the Emirates He pledges that such an attack on the UAE will not be repeated   

I believe that If terrorists had hoped to weaken the resolve of this nation, they failed miserably. Today, UAE is stronger than ever and continues to counter terrorism & extremism in all forms.

During the hard times UAE  Found a great  ally  as we witness the deep cooperation of UAE  and US  over the years   

This month U.S. climate envoy John Kerry backs the United Arab Emirates’ decision to appoint the CEO of a state-run oil company to preside over the upcoming U.N. climate negotiations in Dubai, citing his work on renewable energy projects 

Also Last December 15  , UAE and the US officials announced the formation of an Expert Group to govern the Partnership for Accelerating Clean Energy (PACE). Led by UAE Co-Chair Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, COP28 President-Designate; Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology and UAE Special Envoy for Climate Change, and US Co-Chair Amos Hochstein, US Special Presidential Coordinator, the bilateral body will be composed of private sector and government representatives from both countries.

The message of Biden also  reaffirms  the full confidence and support of US in the upcoming COP28      

"As the UAE prepares to host the world to address the climate challenge during COP-28 this fall, the United States and UAE will continue our work to advance impactful new initiatives, like the Partnership for Accelerating Clean Energy (PACE) and the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII). Our strong partnership is critical to building a shared future of greater peace, stability, and integration throughout the region. "  Mr Biden said.  

A generous gesture from the president of the most powerful country in the world that deserves appreciation


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