A calls for COP of solidarity and action



Speaking on the first day of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, he told an audience that countries must work much faster on agreed goals.

"The UAE has always risen to challenges by getting ahead of the future. And the transformational progress we have managed to achieve in only 50 years has been anchored by the principle and practice of genuine partnership. We’ve been blessed with a leadership that invested the wealth of the nation in the health of the nation. Balanced economic growth with environmental responsibility. And put climate action at the heart of our development strategy," he said. 

"With a focus on looking to the future and investing in innovation, Dr. Al Jaber noted, “Before anyone in this region saw a future in renewables, the UAE saw them as the future. When people questioned our ability to deliver on the promise of Masdar, we focused and stayed the course. Before others decarbonised, we embedded sustainability into our hydrocarbon operations. And we will continue to invest in the clean energies of tomorrow as we drive down the carbon footprint of the energy the world needs today. For us, sustainable development is about never settling for the now. It’s always about the next. Because next never stops.” 

Dr. Al Jaber concluded “let me extend an open invitation. Cooperate, collaborate, share your ideas and let's put the principle of partnership into practice. Let’s make practical real progress, because next never stops.

"Now is the time to unite. Now is the time to act. This is the time to turn rhetoric into tangible results.” 


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